30 September, 2010

French 1 - le 30 septembre

le 30 septembre
French 1 :
1. Do Now – avoir vs. être
2. Bingo ! food and beverages
3. Au café notes
            - cost
            - un/une
            - using « il » and « elle » as it

Practice : 1) CRP #1 due Oct. 21 2) Blog #3 DUE WED 3) Lesson 3 workbook worksheets (3)

29 September, 2010

French 2 - Lecture/Blog #3

Mon Autoportrait!

Using the questions on pages 6-7 of the "Discovering French: Bleu" textbook, complete your Autoportrait. It should be 20 sentences long (18 questions and 2 intro. sentences).  Make sure you being with "Je m'appelle...J'ai...ans."

French 2 - le 28 septembre

le 28 septembre
French 2 :
1. Discussion of Mon Autoportrait
2. Correction of Unit 6 Exam Corrections
3. La Francophonie en Afrique

Practice : Complete the Francophonie en Afrique worksheets

BONUS: Complete and construct an African Mask of your choice.  Make sure to include the story or myth behind it.  Or you may create your own and let us know the symbolism and/or meaning behind it.

French 1- Lecture/Blog #3

You are at a café…
                        1. Tell your friend you are hungry or thirsty.
                        2. Order POLITELY from the waiter and say Thank You !

French 1 - le 28 septembre

le 28 septembre
French 1 :
1. Do Now :
            - You are at a café…
                        1. Tell your friend you are hungry or thirsty.
                        2. Order POLITELY from the waiter and say Thank You !
2. Discuss HW
3. Notes – Expressing Hunger and Thirst
4. Lesson 3 WKS

Practice : 1) CRP # 1 Due Oct. 21 2) Blog #3 Due NEXT WED 3) Lesson 3 WKS due Thursday !

Au café :
1. Hunger
            a. Tu as faim ?
                        à Oui, j’ai faim.
                        à Non, je n’ai pas faim.
2. Thirst
            a. Tu as soif ?
                        à Oui, j’ai soif.
                        à Non, je n’ai pas soif.
3. Offering something…
            a. Tu veux…. ?
            b. Qu’est-ce que tu veux… ?
4. Asking for something…
            a. Je voudrais…
            b. « Give me »
                        1. Formal  - Donnez-moi, s’il vous plaît
                        2. Informal – Donne-moi, s’il te plaît

28 September, 2010

French 2- le 28 septembre

le 28 septembre
French 2
1. Nos défilés
2. Unit 6 Review & Test Corrections
Practice : Test Corrections in Grammar Section DUE WED !

French 2- le 28 septembre

le 28 septembre
French 2
1. Nos défilés
2. Unit 6 Review & Test Corrections
Practice : Test Corrections in Grammar Section DUE WED !

27 September, 2010

French 1 - le 27 septembre

le 27 septembre
French 1 :
1. Do Now – take Unit 1 video sheet
2. Unit 1 Video Activities
3. Pass back Unit 1 Exam
4. Journal – intro. into Unit 2 (Au café)
            a. Where do you and your friends go to eat ?
            b. What do you like to eat ?
            c. Compare/Contrast to French teens.

Practice : 1) CRP #1 Due Oct. 21 2) Flashcards DONE and cut out 3) Test Corrections due WED 4) pg. 46 act. 2 ; pg. 7 act. 4 ; pg. 51 act. 3.

25 September, 2010

Congratulations to the Ouchi Lions 2010-2011 Cheer Squad!

Congratulations to the Ouchi Lions 2010-2011 Cheer Squad!




Thank you to everyone who tried out!

24 September, 2010

French 2 - le 23 et 24 septembre

le 23-24 septembre
French 2 :
1. Avalanche ! We played a game to review our clothing vocabulary.
2. Notebook check – make sure you see me to receive points for your notebook if you were not here.  Unit 6 Practice Packet was collected – please turn it in !
3. Unit 6 Exam.

Practice : 1) Fashion Show (lundi/mardi) – Bring music on USB. If you did a movie bring that on a USB. Apportez les vêtements ! Ne les portez pas !

French 1 - le 23 septembre

le 23 septembre
French 1 :
1. Unit 1 test (writing and speaking !)

Practice : 1) Complete vocabulary cards (picture on one side and French word on the other) for food and drinks (pgs. 45 and 49). 2) CRP #1 Due October 21.

22 September, 2010

le 22 septembre

le 22 septembre
French 1 :
1. Unit 1 Test Prep today !!
Practice : 1) Unit Exam tomorrow !!!! Practice work and Notebook DUE !

French 2 :
1. Nos défilés !!
PRACTICE : Unit 6 Exam TH/Fr !
            1. la carte postale
            2. les vêtements packet (Lesson 17)
            3. Lesson 18 worksheet
            4. 5 sentences (plus/aussi/moins…que)
            5. le tests de contrôle

21 September, 2010

French 1 - le 20 septembre

French 1 :
1. Do Now
            a. Take our your practice (writing prompt & speaking portion [pg. 38 Act. 2])
            b. Work with 1 partner to practice speaking and proofread your paragraph(s)
            c. Call MVP over when you are prepared for me to critique & revise.
2. Ma France (BBC vidéo) – talking about family and pets
3. Unit Test Prep in Groups

Practice : Thursday is your Unit 1 exam ! See me if you had a NP or BB on any of your quizzes ! Notebook check and practice work is DUE ! Study vocab and paragraph – make sure a parent/guardian signs that you studied for AT LEAST a half an hour !

French 2 - le 20 et 21 septembre

French 2 :
1. Do Now
            a. Conjugate : réussir, vendre, répondre
            b. Finish : J’ai envie de… J’ai besoin de…
2. Bleu, Blanc, Rouge :
            a. Bleu – « Le Look »
                        1. Lisez le texte aux pages 302-303.
                        2. Répondez aux questions dans vos cahiers.
            b. Blanc – Which is more ? Combien coute…
            c. Rouge – Tests de contrôle
3. Nos défilés

Practice : 1) Unit 6 Exam Th/Fr – notebook and vocab check – practice packet DUE.
2) Finish tests de contrôle 3) Th/Fr Run through Fashion Show (a.k.a. script is done and we are practicing speaking)

17 September, 2010

French 2 - le 16 et 17 septembre

Le 16/17 septembre
French 2 :
1) Qu’est-ce qu’ils portent ? We drew in various clothing items based off of what Mme described.
2) L’interro suprise ! Unit 6 « mini quiz » : -ir verbs, clothing, comparatives.
3) –re verbs / l’argent powerpoint  - CLICK HERE FOR NOTES
4) Introduction to fashion show project

Practice : 1) talk with your group members –be prepared Mon/Tues with script and rôle ideas. 2) cover book !!!

16 September, 2010

French 1 - le 16 septembre

Le 16 septembre
French 1 :
1. We went through our Lesson 2 powerpoint to review.
2. Lesson 2 Quiz !

Practice : 1) Prepare a RD of Unit 1 Written Exam (Q1 Benchmark) 2) Prepare speaking exam pg. 38 Act. 2 – Be able to answer ALL questions !
Prompt: You just received your French-speaking pen pal for the year. Write a note (email/instant message) to him/her telling about yourself and your family. Tell who your favorite member of your family is and why.

15 September, 2010

le 15 septembre

French 1 :
Today we presented our prétend families !

Practice : Quiz Thursday – Lesson 2.  Make sure you study all your family and friend vocabulary, mon vs. ma, and age.

French 2 :
Today we discussed « la mode française » and the two fashion articles.

Practice : DUE THURS/FRI : 1) make-up slips and « expressions personnelles » aka quiz corrections 2) finissez l’activité de la mode 3) Etudiez les vêtements et les verbes en –ir .

14 September, 2010

French 2 - le 13 et 14 septembre

French 2 :
1. Do Now practice using « quel » and « ce ».  Extra practice available at :
2. Practice Review – specifically we studied the verbs mettre, porter, acheter, amener, & apporter.
3. –IR verbs ! Introduction and practice !
4. Reprise ! Review and corrections

PRACTICE : 1) Blog #2 due WED 2) Write 5 sentences using aussi que, moins que, plus que due WED ; 3) Make-up slips and re-write of Expressions Personnelles due TH/FR.

French 1 - le 13 septembre

French 1 :
In class today we…
1. Practiced using the expressions « Tu connais », « Qui est-ce ? » and « C’est… ».
2. We corrected the writing portion of Quiz 1 (Unit 1 Lesson 1).
3. Bleu, Blanc et Rouge Group time :
            Bleu – Domino game to work on un and une
            Blanc – « La Famille de Julie »
            Rouge – Speaking Activity with your parter (pg. 39 En scène and pg. 38 Et toi ?)
4. Finally we worked in groups to prepare for our Famille dialogues which will be on Wed !

Practice : 1) Blog #2 (Due WED) 2) Script and Present La Famille (WED)

12 September, 2010

French 2 - le 9 et 10 septembre

French 2 :
Today in class…
1. We journaled in our notebook for 7 minutes about different clothing situations.  These questions will be your blog topics for this week.
2.  Discussion on different types of « magasins » in France. 
3. BINGO !  Practice your clothing vocabulary at home (HINT HINT WINK WINK)
4. Chanson « J’ai mis dans ma valise » !  Discussion on what different types of clothing would be appropriate for various situations. 
5.  REVIEW : ce and quel.

PRACTICE : 1) Blog #2 due WED. 2) Unit 6 Lesson 18 WKS – do not do Activities 5 & 6. 

09 September, 2010

French 2 - Lecture 2

Français 2 – Lecture 2
1) Qu’est-ce que tu portes aujourd’hui ?
2) Qu’est-ce que tu aimes porter ?
3) Qu’est-ce que tu préfères porter à l’école ?

Go to the following French department stores websites and answer the following questions :
How do its products compare to what you find in your local department stores ?

French 1 - Lecture 2

We have been reading several different short stories on different families.  Respond in French to the following questions and tell me about your family.

1. Tell me about your parents/grandparents/guardians.  (Il s'appelle...Elle s'appelle...Il est mon...Elle est ma...)
2. Tell me about your brothers and sisters (if you have any)
3. Tell me about your pets (J'ai un chat/chien...Il s'appelle...Elle s'appelle...)

French 1 - le 9 septembre

French 1 :
In class today…
1. We finished up our Bleu, Blanc et Rouge activity and played « frappe mouche » to review all vocabulary.
2. Then we practiced speaking numbers, nationalities, and expressions.
3.  Unit 1 Lesson 1 quiz was easy !
4. Finally we went over family vocabulary with La famille Simposon. You were asked to prepare a short dialogue with your tablemates introducing us to your prétend family.

PRACTICE : 1) Be prepared on Monday to work on the family script.  We will présent on Wedesday.  2) Blog #2 (online  @ msfrenchohs.blogspot.com) is due WED.

08 September, 2010

French 2 - le 7 et 8 septembre

Français 2 :
En classe…
1.After collecting la carte postale, we reviewed and then took L’Interro de Reprise.
NOTE : If you needed to use a « Practice Pass » for ta carte postale, I am still EXPECTING YOU to turn in a card to me !
2. You needed to have copied all the Unit 6 clothing vocabulary onto flashcards in order to be prepared for the next two weeks.  You can find these vocabulary words on the classzone.com website.
            DIRECTIONS :
                        1. Write the vocabulary on the back of each picture.
2. Color code each card depending on if the word is masculin (un) or féminine (une).  If the word is plural, use a book in class to determine what the singular form is.
                        3. Cut out pictures and store in your baggy ! J

PRACTICE : Les vêtements vocab cards (Th/Fr) ; Unit 6 Lesson 17 packet (Th/Fr)

French 1 - le 7 septembre

French 1:
In class we…
1. Practiced writing a letter to your new French pen pal. This letter included your name, how you were feeling, where you are from and what is your nationality.
2. Introduction to Lessons 1 & 2 vocabulary and grammar concepts (Check the notebook for notes!)
3. We then worked in groups on the Unit 1 material:
BLEU: copy the Unit 1 Lesson 2 vocabulary from the yellow boxes into the vocabulaire section of your notebook.  There should be 3 columns (F,F,E) for studying!
BLANC: complete various grammar activities (Act. 3 pg. 28; Act. 1 pg. 32; Act. 1 pg. 36; & Act. 4 pg. 39)
            ROUGE: Autour de moi! You answered various questions with Mme!

PRACTICE: Blog #1 due WED, Lesson 1 Quiz (THURS), finish Lesson 2 vocab.

Quia Website for Practice: http://www.quia.com/cb/480679.html

03 September, 2010

French 2 - le 2 et 3 septembre

Français 2:

Aujourd’hui nous avons fini notre révision de Français 1 (la reprise).  S’il vous plait – étudier bien pour l’interro de reprise!

Practice: L’Interro de reprise  (mardi/mercredi); Blog Reponse (mer); supplies (mar/mer).

French 1 - le 2 septembre

Français 1:

Today in class we talked about La Rentrée or the first day of school.  We compared our first days to two films: the textbook video and the movie The Class.  Then we learned how to say “Je suis”  and “Je suis de” – I am and I am from.  We watched a powerpoint on different nationalities. 

Practice: Answer the blog questions due WED!  Materials are due TUES!  Both Lesson 1 worksheets should be complete for TUES!

01 September, 2010

Le premier septembre

Français 1:

Today we had some Internet issues, but we still were able to complete our worksheet on introductions, greetings, and asking someone how they are (ça va?).  If you are interested in seeing the video, here is the website:

Practice:  Answer Lecture #1 on the blog (due Wed), Materials due Tuesday, and say Bonjour! to your teachers!

Français 2:

Aujourd’hui nous avons travaillé sur la carte postale.  Finissez la carte pour mardi/mercredi prochain. 

Practice : Lecture #1 (due mercredi) ; materials (due mardi/mercredi) ; la carte postale.

French 2 Lecture #1

Read the dialogues on pages 4 and 5.  Answer the following questions in French :

À quelle école vas-tu ?
Quelles sont tes matières préférées ? What are your favorite subjects ?
Qu’est-ce que tu fais quand tu n’étudies pas ?

French 1 Lecture #1

Respond to these questions in French!

Bonjour !
Comment t’appelles-tu ? What is your name ?
Ça va ? How are you ?
Quel âge as-tu ? How old are you ? [J'ai...ans]
Au revoir !