le 27 octobre
French 1 :
Corrections and Benchmark Review in class
French 2 :
Video and discussion questions on « Terreur Internationale ».
1. Open up "Audacity" - you will find it either on the desktop or in the "Applications" folder.
2. Do a test run of the program by pressing record and saying "Bonjour" a few times. Press "play" to make sure your internal microphone is working. Call me over if you have problems.
3. When you are ready, start recording your dialogue!
MAKE SURE YOU INTRODUCE YOURSELVES FIRST - "Bonjour, je m'appelle..." Pause then start dialogue.
4. When you think you are FINISHED, select "SAVE AS" and save your file on the USB as LAST, First Speaking Activity #1. Save it twice one for each of you!
5. Make sure to bring your USB to class on Mon/Tues so that I can upload to my computer!
1) CRP #1 DUE Oct. 21
2) All MUST DO work and any MAY DO work DUE - Monday, Oct. 18
1. Open "Audacity"
2. Practice speaking your part a few times, and when ready hit "record"
3. You can press "play" if you would like to hear yourself back
4. WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED - "save file as" LAST, First Speaking Lecture #1 on your USB.
5. When you are ready for me to upload the file, call me over and eject your USB properly.
3) When you are completed, complete the following activities to practice your French!