29 November, 2012

French 2 – le 29 et 30 novembre

French 2 – le 29 et 30 novembre

            1. Do Now – Journal
            2. BBC – Le Shopping
            3. La Poutine
            4. Finals Review (Speaking/Writing)

Practice :
            1 : DUE @ 11 :59 pm Friday – Mon caddie !
            2. Keep working on your study guide – due on the day of MC final
            3. Mon / Tues – Speaking FINAL !
            4. Poutine extra crédit – due Monday / Tuesday
            5. Brainstrom your essay ! 

27 November, 2012

French 3 – le 27 novembre

French 3 – le 27 novembre
            1. Imp vs. Pc practice
            2. Un incident orale

Practice :
            1. Unit 3 exam – Friday
            2. French night is this  Thursday, 11/29 !

French 2 – le 26 et 27 novembre

French 2 – le 26 et 27 novembre

            1. Do Now – boire
            2. Stations
                        a) Mon caddie
                        b) Le régime
                        c) Final Prep / Listening Comprehension

Practice :
            1. Le régime oral is Wed. (Must be memorized)
            2. Mon caddie due Friday @ 11 :59pm.

21 November, 2012

French 3 - le 21 novembre

French 3  - le 21 novembre

            1. Ecologie in-class essay

Practice :
            1. Have a nice Holiday weekend with your family and friends.
            2. Historical Research :
DIRECTIONS : Research and type a half – page summary on one castle (pg. 147) and a half-page summary on one time period (pg. 140).  You need to provide citations  or else I will not take it !!
3. Read and complete all activities in the margins and on the last page for the Reading packet I gave you.  The story is called « King ».

French 2 – le 21 novembre

French 2 – le 21 novembre

            1. Review partitive article homework
2. Complete translation sentences that work on when to use (le, la, les) vs. (du, de la, des).

Practice :
            1. Have a nice Holiday weekend with your family and friends.
            2. MUST DO – complete the Lesson 11 sentence activity
                        DIRECTIONS :
1. Cut out the pièces and put them in order – it should be a scène at a café.
2. Glue the pièces in order on the worksheet.
3. Tell a story (you create the subjects) in the past tense and write it below (or on the back if you need more room)
3. MAY DO (BONUS) – read the the attached worksheet on the French café.  All the directions are on there.

20 November, 2012

French 3 – le 20 novembre

French 3 – le 20 novembre

            1. Do Now – study for vocab quiz
            2. Weather conditions quick check
            3. Le soleil
            4. Jacques Prevert (Soyez Polis)
            5. Imp. Vs Pc

Practice :           
1. Complete the imparfait vs. Pc worksheet if you haven’t done so yet.  Remember there is a back side where you will talk about yourself.
2. In-class essay tomorrow (review Jacques Cousteau [pg.120] and the vocabulary we have been covering on the environment)
3. Imparfait assessment will be for Tuesday after break.

French 2 – le 19 et 20 novembre

French 2 – le 19 et 20 novembre

            1. Do Now – préférer
            2. Vocab Review
            3. PPT (vouloir, devoir, pouvoir and partitive article)
            4. U3L9 Quiz

Practice :
            1. Do you know your final is coming up ? (Speaking and MC ?)
            2. Act. 6 A la cantine (front side only)

18 November, 2012

French 2 – le 15 et 16 novembre

Click here for the U3L9 Vocabulary PDF

French 2 – le 15 et 16 novembre 

1. Do Now – post card writing assessment 
2. Presentations (Great job everyone ! ☺) 
3. U3L9 vocabulary (pg. 152 – 160) 

Practice : 
1. Finish filling out the first couple of pages in your U3 vocabulary study guide - see the attachment for pictures 

French 3 – le 16 novembre

French 3 – le 16 novembre

            1. Do Now – journal « Comment faut-il pour sauver la planète ? »
            2. L’environnement et l’écologie

 Practice :
            1. Complete the weather vocabulary graphic organizer (front and back)
2. Complete the Reading compréhension activity (Multiple choice only !)

14 November, 2012

French 2 – le 13 et 14 novembre

French 2 – le 13 et 14 novembre

            1. Do Now – verb
            2. Finish project
            3. U2 Test corrections and data
            4. Organize Portfolios

Practice :
            1. Presentations (Th/Fr)
a. Make sure to turn in : travel portfolio (with the packets and métro activity), and U2 Project packet
            2. U2 Test corrections and reflections due Friday (place in portfolio)
            3. Portfolios due Friday with parent signature.
                        a. Bring it to parent conférences if you would like ! 

French 3 – le 14 novembre

French 3 – le 14 novembre

            1. Do Now (verbe du jour)
            2. Les photos des vacances
                        a. HW check
                        b. Presentations
            3. L’environement (vocab)
            4. Comment il faut sauver la planète

Practice :
            1. In the Environment Packet à Complete B « Transformez les verbes en noms ! »
            2. Complete the fill-in-the-blank paragraph « Protégeons notre planète »

09 November, 2012

French 3 – le 8 novembre

French 3 – le 8 novembre
            1. Historical Presentations
            2. Des photos (imparfait vs. passé compose)

            1. Complete “les photos des vacances” wks
2. Prepare speaking assessment where you describe what is happening and what happened.  Use the rubric.

French 2 – le 7 et 8 novembre

French 2 – le 7 et 8 novembre

            1. Do Now – journal (avoir vs. etre)
            2. Group Organization Chart
            3. Stations (metro, travel books, PPT)
            4. Wrap-Up

            1. Projects due Th/Fr

06 November, 2012

French 3 – le 6 novembre

French 3 – le 6 novembre

    1. Do now – verbe
    2. Video (vocab)
    3. HW check
    4. Imparfait
    5. Passe compose vs. imparfait
    6. exit slip

    1. PROJECTS due FRIDAY! – No exceptions!  Here is the link to the rubric.
    2. Wed – writing assessment in class (imparfait/passé)
        a. finish two worksheets

French 2 – le 5 et 6 novembre

French 2 – le 5 et 6 novembre

    1. Binder Quiz
    2. Review and study time with questions
    3. U2 exam

    1. Make sure you bring your U2 project (trip to Paris) packet to class Wed.

01 November, 2012

French 2 – le 1er et 2 novembre

French 2 – le 1er et 2 novembre

1. Do Now (past vs. near future journal with time indicators)
2. Stations wrap-up (U2 Exam review)
3. Binder Quiz and Study Guide Prep

            1. Unit 2 Exam – Mon/Tues
                        a. Study the PPT and all notes from class!
(listening comprehension, how to form the past tense (avoir/etre), near future, time indicators)
b. Finish the Comics  - answers will be up on the Ouchi page Sunday night
            2. Binder Quiz – make sure everything is in your binder and organized
            3. P1 ONLY – read the Tortoise and Hare to a younger family member.