15 December, 2011

French 1 - Winter Break

Winter Break 2011
French 1

You will need to complete the following over break:

·      Go through your portfolio with an adult.  They should answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper either in English or Spanish.  I also need their signature!!
o  What were your overall thoughts of your child’s/student’s progress?
o  What would you say you are impressed with?
o  After speaking with your student about their improvement goals, how can you support them to maintain these goals?

Francophone Regions Webquest:
·      Next semester we will be researching various Francophone regions and presenting them to the class / school.
·      Complete the Cultural Comparison worksheet for your own country, and for the country I have assigned you.
·      Use http://sites.google.com/site/msfrenchohs/home/links and YouTube to find:
o  The name & flag of the country / region
o  Text Box: My country / region:Capital
o  Population
o  Official Languages
o  Motto (slogan/phrase)
o  Currency (Money)
o  Origins
o  Major Religions
o  Interesting Facts
o  3 APPROPRIATE YouTube clips that show various cultural aspects of your country/region.

Extra Credit:
·      In France, it is a holiday tradition to bake a “Bouche de Noel” or "La Galette des Rois".  I will be posting several recipes online for you to choose from.  If you prepare one, send me photos of the experience, and tell me the importance of this holiday treat, and I will reward you with 10 bonus points.

French 2 - Winter Break

Enjoy your holidays with your family and friends.

Please READ the remaining chapters of "Le Monstre Dans le Metro."

You do not have to answer the questions, but be prepared for a discussion when we get back on the 10th!

11 December, 2011

Bonjour Trinh Audio



Period 4 - Your portfolio grades and CRPs are all in Powerschool!

Period 5 - Your portfolio grades and CRPs are all in Powerschool!

Period 6 - Your portfolio grades and CRPs are all in Powerschool!

Period 2 - Your portfolio grades and CRPs are all in Powerschool!

09 December, 2011

Period 6 - Blog #3

Est-ce que tu aimes parler français ?
Avec qui est-ce que tu étudies ?
What do French teens do Wednesday afternoons ?  Is it similar or different from you ?
What do you share in common with French teens ? What is different and why ?

Period 4 - Blog #3

Est-ce que tu aimes parler français ?
Avec qui est-ce que tu étudies ?
What do French teens do Wednesday afternoons ?  Is it similar or different from you ?
What do you share in common with French teens ? What is different and why ?

Period 2 - Blog #2

Est-ce que tu aimes parler français ?
Avec qui est-ce que tu étudies ?
What do French teens do Wednesday afternoons ?  Is it similar or different from you ?
What do you share in common with French teens ? What is different and why ?

Period 5 - Blog #3

Est-ce que tu aimes parler français ?
Avec qui est-ce que tu étudies ?
What do French teens do Wednesday afternoons ?  Is it similar or different from you ?
What do you share in common with French teens ? What is different and why ?

French 1 – le 9 décembre:

French 1 – le 9 décembre:

1.    Portfolio
2.    Do Now – Blog #3
3.    Review Unit 3
4.    Trip / Finals Review

Devoirs :
1.    blogs 1-3 due  Wednesday 11 :59 pm (Thursday by 12 :00 am )
2.    written exam / speaking Tuesday
3.    bonjour, Trish
·      listen audio blog
·      answer question

08 December, 2011

French 1 – le 8 décembre

French 1 – le 8 décembre

1. Portfolio turn in! Yea! Great job everyone!
2. Do Now - Blog #3 responses
3. Review time (T-giving work)
4. Unit 3 Review
5. Finals Review! Trip!
6. Bonjour, Trinh!

1. Blogs due Wed/Thurs.
2. Keep working on packet --> due Wed/Thurs.
3. Writing and Speaking Final on Mon/Tuesday
4. Bonjour, Thinh worksheet

French 2 – le 8 décembre

French 2 – le 8 décembre :

1.    Speaking Practice for final
2.    Past Tense review
3.    Talking about a vacation in the past
4.    Semester Reflection
5.    Entre les Murs

Devoirs :
1.    Blogs #1 and 2 due Wed., Dec. 14th
2.    Keep working on your review packet DUE Wed., Dec. 14th
3.    If you are failing, look at what you can do over the weekend to help yourself.
4.    Written FINAL/Benchmark à Monday !!
5.    Speaking FINAL à Monday !!! Prepare for all pictures!

French 2 - Blog #2

Answer in French using complete sentences:

1.   1.  Qu’est-ce que tu as fait hier ? What did you do yesterday ?
2.   2.  Qu’est-ce que tu as mangé hier ? What did you eat yesterday ?
3.   3.  Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire ce weekend ? What are you going to do this weekend ?

Answer in English using complete sentences :

1.    1. How do you form the near future ?
2.    2. How do you form both versions of the passé composé ?

07 December, 2011

Period 6 - Blog #2

1. [FR] 
      a. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger/boire au cafe?
      b. Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
2. [En] 
What is the significance/importance of the French cafe?

Period 5 - Blog #2

1. [FR] 
      a. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger/boire au cafe?
      b. Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
2. [En] 
What is the significance/importance of the French cafe?

Period 4 - Blog #2

1. [FR] 
      a. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger/boire au cafe?
      b. Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
2. [En] 
What is the significance/importance of the French cafe?

Period 2 - Blog #2

1. [FR]
      a. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger/boire au cafe?
      b. Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
2. [En]
What is the significance/importance of the French cafe?

06 December, 2011

Period 6 - Blog Response #1

    1. (Answer in French)
a.    Comment t’appelles-tu ?
b.    Ça va ?
c.    Quel âge as-tu ?
2.   2.  (Answer in English)
a.    In 2 sentences, compare/contrast greetings and family/friends.

Period 4 - Blog Response #1

    1. (Answer in French)
a.    Comment t’appelles-tu ?
b.    Ça va ?
c.    Quel âge as-tu ?
2.   2.  (Answer in English)
a.    In 2 sentences, compare/contrast greetings and family/friends.

Period 2 - Blog Response #1

    1. (Answer in French)
a.    Comment t’appelles-tu ?
b.    Ça va ?
c.    Quel âge as-tu ?
2.   2.  (Answer in English)
a.    In 2 sentences, compare/contrast greetings and family/friends.

05 December, 2011

French 2 - Period 1 Blog

1.    Comment t’appelles-tu ?
2.    Quel âge as-tu ?
3.    Quand es-tu né(e) ?
4.    Où est-ce que tu habites ?
5.    Quelle est ta nationalité ?
6.    Quelle est ta profession ?
7.    Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire ce weekend ?

French 2 – le 5 décembre

French 2 – le 5 décembre

1.    Do now –prep for speaking exam
2.    Unit 1 review
3.    Unit 1 in packet
4.    Entre les murs

Practice :
         à SENIORS :
1.    Blog due Wed. Dec. 14th
2.    Packet pgs. 6-8.
3.    Review Unit 3 (food/shopping)
1.    Blog due Wed. Dec. 14th
2.    Packet pgs. 6-8

Period 5 Blog - Part 1

1.    1. (Answer in French)
a.    Comment t’appelles-tu ?
b.    Ça va ?
c.    Quel âge as-tu ?
2.   2.  (Answer in English)
a.    In 2 sentences, compare/contrast greetings and family/friends.

30 November, 2011

French 1 – le 30 novembre

French 1 – le 30 novembre

1.    Information Questions !
a.    HW check
b.    Practice worksheets (forming questions from answers)
c.    Interviews (Questions)
2.    Faire (if time)

Devoirs :
1.    Portfolio due next week !
2.    If you ordered a dictionary, please come see me with your $5.50.
3.    Unit 3 Mini Exam tomorrow ! Complete wks !
a.    Part 1 – conjugation of être and –er verbs
b.    Part 2 – Yes/No questions (review adverbs !)
c.    Part 3 - Etre or Faire ?
d.    Part 4 – Infinitive verbs (v1+v2)
                                                       i.     Je dois
                                                      ii.     Je voudrais
                                                    iii.     Je préfère
                                                    iv.     J’aime
                                                     v.     Je n’aime pas
e.    Part 5 – making sentences négative
                                                       i.     Subject + ne + verb + pas
f.     Part 6 – Information questions
g.    Part 7 – Unit 2 review (time/weather)

29 November, 2011

French 2 – le 28 novembre

French 2 – le 28 novembre
1.    Do Now – MC review and food review with partitive articles
2.    Unit 3 exam
3.    Project time

Devoirs :
         1. Project due Thursday !

French 1 – le 28 et 29 novembre

French 1 – le 28 et 29 novembre

1.    Do Now – time/weather review
2.    Act 1 – Tgiving review
3.    Act 2 – Review être
4.    Act 3 – info questions
Devoirs :
1.    Portfolio due 12/9
2.    Information questions workbook worksheet

23 November, 2011

French 1 & 2 - le 23 novembre

French 1 – le 23 novembre

1.    Turn in HW
2.    Take pop quiz (être)
3.    WBK practice (pg. 67-68)

Devoirs :
1.    Worksheets on time and weather
2.    Portfolio !

French 2 – le 23 novembre
1.    Group project time !

Devoirs :
1.    Multiple Choice packet & pgs. 194 – 195
2.    Project due 12/1
3.    Unit 3 Exam 11/28
4.    Extra crédit (5-10 sentences) telling me what you DID over the weekend in French – you must use the past tense !