28 September, 2012

French 2 – le 27 et 28 septembre

French 2 – le 27 et 28 septembre

            1. Do Now – journal
                        - Pourquoi est-ce que tu aimes Los Angeles ?
                        -Qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire ici ?

            2. HW check
            3. Listening Comprehension practice
            4. Test Prep Areas of Focus
                        a) jobs
                        b) speaking
                        c) Peer édit « Mon weekend »
            5. Vocab Quiz (U2L5)

Practice :
            1. Mon/Tues – speaking assessment – « what are you going to do this weekend ?
            2. Breast Cancer Fundraiser next week !

French 3 – le 28 septembre

French 3 – le 28 septembre
            1. Do Now – journal (daily chores)
            2. Vocab Check (HW sheets)
                        -PPT pretest
            3. PPT vocab review
            4. Video compréhension
            5. Subjunctive notes
            6. Vocab post-test

Practice :
1. Finish subjunctive notes pages 3 & 4 – use pg. 81 in your textbook to help or the verb charts in the back.
2. Talk with your art PPT groups and assign jobs.

27 September, 2012

French 3 - le 26 septembre


Create vocab square like we completed previously in class.

  • les travaux domestiques (pg. 74-75)
  • Formation of le subjonctif (pg. 78 & 86)
  • Pour rendre service (84)
  • Expressions of opinion (87-88)

21 September, 2012

French 3 – le 21 septembre

French 3 – le 21 septembre

            1. Do Now – journal on Daily Routine
            2. Stations (listening, ad, and vocabulary)
            3. Daily Routine redaction

            1. Unit 1 Exam will be Wed!
2. Prepare a study guide (bring TUES) to help you review the following topics:
I.               “Le Look”
II.             La description physique
III.           Votre routine quotidienne
IV.            Les verbes réfléchis au présent et au passé
V.              L’accord du participe passé: Quand on l’utilise et quand on ne l’utilise pas.
VI.             Les sentiments

20 September, 2012

French 2 – le 20 et 21 septembre

French 2 – le 20 et 21 septembre

1. Do Now #1 (Organizing our paper – identifying the thesis, main ideas, and so what?)
            2. Do Now #2 “Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire ce week-end”
            3. U1 Test Corrections and Data Analysis
            4. Reading Comprehension Intro to U2
            5. U2L5 vocab

            1. U2L5 Workbook activities (DO ACTIVITIES # 1, 2, 5, and 6)
            2. Finish Test Corrections

19 September, 2012

French 2 & 3 – le 19 septembre

French 2 – le 19 septembre

            1. Outline signed by MVP
            2. Rough Draft

            1. Must be turned in Th/Fr
                        a) Movie packet                       
                        b) Outline signed by MVP
                        c) Rough Draft with signs of edits
                        d) Final Draft typed following MLA formatting
                                    LAST NAME First Name
                                    French 2: P#
                                    Due date in French

French 3 – le 19 septembre
            1. Homework Check
                        a. Workbook pages (23-24)
                        b. Marie Antoinette daily routine
                        c. A model’s daily routine (present-past)

            1. Writing sample on your daily routine (Friday)
                        a. Know your reflexive verbs (Fr2/Fr3)
                        b. Study the vocabulary for emotions (pg. 52) 

18 September, 2012

French 2 – le 17 et 18 septembre

French 2 – le 17 et 18 septembre

1. Finish the outline worksheet.  BUT, HHWW if you know your paper is due Th/Fr… you might want to start your RD as well!            

French 3 – le 18 septembre

French 3 – le 18 septembre

            1. Do Now – se lever
            2. HW check (réflexive verbs review)
            3. Video review and PPT with expressions
Practice :
            1. FINALLY complete WBK from when sub was hère.
            Workbook pages 23 – 24.
1)“La routine du week-end” – Say what the members of your family do each weekend.  Use the suggestions given and an expression of your choice.
2)“Aux objets trouvés” – You are at the lost and found.  Explain how you have lost your camera after your visit.  Make sure to write in the past tense and use agreement if necessary.
3)« Actions et Réactions » - Use the pictures to express the reactions of the following people.
2. MAKE SURE that you have Marie Antoinette and the model daily routine reading comprehension (Pg. 51 Act. 3) activities completed. 

14 September, 2012

French 3 – le 14 septembre

French 3 – le 14 septembre

            1. Circle
            2. Pass back vocab quiz
            3. Le Look podcast

Practice :           
1. Record and submit rubric and writing.
2. Act. 3 and 6 on the back of the réflexive verbs note sheet.  If you need help use the smaller worksheet I gave you.

French 2 – le 13 et 14 septembre

French 2 – le 13 et 14 septembre

 1. Do Now – find three examples from the film to support the following thèmes :
 1) Multiculuralism / identity 2) Language
2. Film
3. Practice

 Practice :
1. Have a good weekend
2. Choose 1 of the prompts from the back of the movie essay to respond to. This weekend, you will need to create a bubble map or outline of your 3 body paragraphs.

10 September, 2012

07 September, 2012

French 2 – le 6 et 7 septembre & French 3 – le 7 septembre

French 2 – le 6 et 7 septembre

1) Mon/Tues – Unit 1 Exam – make sure to…
A) use the study guide we built and complete the tests de contrôle (we will start class with this Monday)
B) re-write vocabulary to practice
C) study areas from quick checks that you did not do well on
2) Qui suis-je? Project  – Due Wed! Bring a RD if you would like Mon/Tues.
3) Parents need to sign the Movie slip (for Mon/Tues)

French 3 – le 7 septembre

Practice / Assessments– you have A LOT to do this weekend as nothing was turned in like it was supposed to!

1. Vocabulary Quiz on words you were to copy today – Tues
2. Activity 1 – 3 prompts to respond to – those were to be turned in today
3. Activity 2 – 2 reading comprehension articles (Marie Antoinette and model) – finish the required activities (both will be a reading quiz grade)
4. 3 activities in the workbook. English directions are on the PPT from today
5. Podcast on “le look” will be recorded Tuesday.

05 September, 2012

French 3 – le 5 septembre

French 3 – le 5 septembre

            1. Do Now – verbe du jour (porter / s’habiller)
            2. Homework Check  - Unit 1 Part 1
            3. Vocabulary review (body parts and descriptors)
            4. Reading Comprehension

Practice :           
            1. Finish Reading 1 out of 3 of the articles
            2. Podcast will be recorded on Tuesday !

French 2 – le 4 et 5 septembre

French 2 – le 4 et 5 septembre

            1. Do Now – verbe du jour (aller / venir)
            2. Quick check (avoir and faire)
            3. Homework check U1L4
            4. L’identité – les jeunes au Maroc

Practice :
            1. Th/Fr – quick check on aller and venir
2. Th/Fr – bring photos from a magazine or clip art to start working on your project
            3. Mon/Tues – Project due and Unit 1 Exam