09 December, 2011

Period 2 - Blog #2

Est-ce que tu aimes parler français ?
Avec qui est-ce que tu étudies ?
What do French teens do Wednesday afternoons ?  Is it similar or different from you ?
What do you share in common with French teens ? What is different and why ?


  1. 1. Oui, J'aime parler francais.
    2. J'etudie francais avec Alejandra.
    3. French teens also get out early from school on Wednesdays.
    4. We hang out with friends.

  2. 1.oui,j'aime parle fracais
    2.j'etudie francais avec Alberto
    3.they get out early.yes because we come out the same time as they do.
    4.we like to hang out at breakfast and lunch time

  3. > Oui, j'aime parle francais.
    > J'etudie avec Clarissa.
    > They go to a cafe and get out early.
    > We study, eat and go out (socialize, hangout, culture identity)

  4. Oui, jaime parler francais.
    J'etudie francais avec Sinaloa.
    French teens get out early from school, and socialize.
    We share socializing, holidays, and religion.

  5. 1.Oui, j'aime parler francais
    2.j'etudie francais avec Mario.
    3.On wednesday afternoons French teens get out early just like us.
    4.we both hang out with our friends and have a good time.

  6. Oui, j'aime parle francais

    j'etudie francais avec alberto

    French students come out early on wednesdays just the same as we do.

    we hang out differently, i guess we do more like a hang out thingy

  7. 1. Qui j'aime parle francais.
    2. J'etudie francais avec Sabrina et Susan.
    3. French teens also come out early on Wednesday and they join clubs or sports. We are similar to them because we also do come out early and join certain clubs/ sports.
    4. Something we have in common with french teens is that we appriciate friends and family. Something that makes us different is that we do not do la bise (kiss on the cheek) with our friends.

  8. 1. Oui. J'aime parle francais.
    2. J'etudie francais avec Ariana.
    3. French teens go to tutoring after school on Wednesday. They then go play sports.
    4. We both appreciate and enjoy time with our family. A thing that is different is we don't kiss all our friends. We just hug or say hello.

  9. 1.Oui.J'aime parle francais.
    2.J'etudie francais avec Gerardo.
    2.One thing that french teenagers have something similar to us is that they come out early on wednesday.
    3.Something that we have in common is that we hang out with our friends.The different we have is that they come out early on wednesday to do any activity outside the school to get their credit for PE and we have PE during school.

  10. 1. Oui j'aime parler francaise
    2.J'etudier avec Edith
    3.On Wednesdays French teens go get out of school early and either go play sports or hang out. This is similar to us because we do this as well.
    4. We are similar to Freanch teens because we value friends and family, go hang out with our friends, and go to school.

  11. 1. Oui j'aime parler francaise
    2. J'etudier avec Marypaz.
    3. French teens go to eat at the cafe with their friends, it is similar to us because we do the same ass well.
    4. We are similar to french because us teens and french teens have part time, we go eat with our friends and they do also.

  12. Oui, je parle francais rarment.
    J'etudier avec Leandre.

    Oui, wensdays french teens get out of school early, just like us. They go and play sports, join clubs for credit and study.

    Common: We Go places with are friends and hang out.

    Diffrence: French teens do la bise but we give hand shakes or hugs.
