09 December, 2011

Period 6 - Blog #3

Est-ce que tu aimes parler français ?
Avec qui est-ce que tu étudies ?
What do French teens do Wednesday afternoons ?  Is it similar or different from you ?
What do you share in common with French teens ? What is different and why ?


  1. 1. Non,je ne' pas francais je prefere anglais.
    2. J'etudie avec Anna.
    3. French teens do extra activities like sports,study watch a movie,etc.It is similar to me because on Wednesday's I go straight home and do homework and study or else I hangout with friends.
    4.We share the fact that we like hanging out with our friends.The difference is that we dont have cafes to hangout after school instead we go to each other houses or other places.

  2. Non je ne parle pas francaise.
    Je etudie avec mon amie.
    They do their sports and other out of school activities.
    Discrimination among each other.

  3. Question 1 (en français)
    A: j'étudie avec mes amis ou par moi-même.
    Question 2/3(In English)
    A: French teenagers are to likely to do the following; to either go from school to their homes or go to the "café" to be among their friends in a often matter; this I believe similar to us in America in the sense that many American teenagers have the same mentality to pursue the same goal of either going home or being with their friends after school.
    B:As previously said I believe that both French and American teenagers have the same purpose to be among friends and family. As to the difference, French teenagers have specifics as to where it is that they go to be with their friends, this is to be the "café" where they carry on their day there to eat and converse.

  4. Non, je ne francais pas mais je prefere anglais.
    J'etudie avec ma soeur
    French teenagers do extra activities such as: sports,watch movies, go to the cafe, and take dance classes. It's similar to me because sometimes I might hangout with my friends after school and study but it's different because sometimes I might just go home and go to sleep.
    French and American teens both go to parties and a lot of different activities, they also share racial problems. The difference is how teens value their education but some Americans don't.

  5. Je ne parle pas francais
    Je estudie avec karim
    I think that french teens do more stuff like go out with there friends because there in a safer. Enviorment and were not
    French teens and kids from here are the same because we think alike and we like having fun they different because we live in different countrie so they might have different religion

  6. Question 1 (en français)
    A: Oui j'aime parler et étudier le français
    B: j'étudie avec mes amis ou par moi-même.
    Question 2/3(In English)
    A: French teenagers are to likely to do the following; to either go from school to their homes or go to the "café" to be among their friends in a often matter; this I believe similar to us in America in the sense that many American teenagers have the same mentality to pursue the same goal of either going home or being with their friends after school.
    B:As previously said I believe that both French and American teenagers have the same purpose to be among friends and family. As to the difference, French teenagers have specifics as to where it is that they go to be with their friends, this is to be the "café" where they carry on their day there to eat and converse

  7. •Oui, j'aime parler français mais je préfére parler anglais.
    •J'étudie avec Irma.

    •On Wednesday afternoons French teens study/do their homework,hang out with friends and do extra curricular activities. It is pretty similar to what i do.
    •We both like to hang out with our friends. A difference is our values or activities that are especially popular.

  8. non, je ne parle pas francais.
    Je etudie avec kathy.

    French teenager do their homework,meet at the cafe with their friends. i think some of thei activities are similar to our but not all of them.

    We both like to hang out with our friend but we don't have cafe were we can hang out after school.

  9. Non,je ne' pas francais je prefere anglais.
    J'etudie avec moi.
    they do sports and other school activities.
    we both like to be togther with our fiends but they go to cafe to talk mewhile we talk on the fone.

  10. je aime paler francais (:
    j' etudie avec steven
    they get out early from school and hang out with thier freinds. they go to a cafe and just chill with thier hawmies (; they arnt simalr to me i go straight home after school ); but thier simalr to mpst other teens here in this country.
    French teens and american teens party and eat and play. french teens seem more respectful. americans teens are more vulgar . ? american teens are different everyone is (:

  11. Oui, j'aime parle Francais.
    Je etudie avec Clayton et Anthony.
    French teens go out after school maybe to a cafe or to the movies. I think it is similar because we came out eary.
    We share in commen that we sometimes go home and go straight to do our homework. The different thing is that they do more stuff than us.

  12. non, je ne pas parle francias je prefere parle anglais
    je estudie avec daia rivas
    the teens on wednesday they go hang out with friends to the cafe and just chill. yes it is similar to what i do out side school.
    french teens hang out at the cafe and well afterschool i hang out with my friends but at my house or there house. i really dont go to the cafe.

  13. Oui, J'aime parle francais.
    Je etudie avec Kieman.

    On wednesday French teenagers play sports, do activities, and hang out in a cafe. We do that any day we want, we don't do it only on Wednesday's. Something similar is that sometimes we go straight home to do our homework or we hang out with our friends.

  14. 1.Non, Je ne pas parle francias Je prefere parle anglais.
    2.J'étudie avec ma soeur.
    3.On Wednesday afternoons French teens study,do their homework,hang out with friends and do extra activities. Yes it is similar to what I do except for the extra activities.
    4.We both like to hang out with our friends. The difference is that they have a cafe to hang out with their friends and we don't.

  15. oui, j'aime parle français
    Je etudie avec Susan et Katie.
    On wednesday, French teens go out to do activities.
    They get out of school early and go study or do sports with their friends.
    It actually is pretty similar to what i do because on wednesdays i usually go home and do homework and study for any tests that may be coming for any class.
    The difference is that they do more stuff than we do because they go to the cafe while we go to more places.

  16. 1.oui, j'aime parler francais, mais je preffere parler anglais et espagnol.
    2.on wednsday afternoons french teens go to the cafe and hang out with their band of copains which is similiar to american teens because we hang out but not necessarily at a cafe.
    3.what i have in common with french teens is that i go to schools named after famous individuals and there is discrimination in both countries.

  17. - Oui , j'aime parle francais.
    -J'etudier avec Jennie.
    -On Wednesday afternoons French teens hang out with friends , Do their homework , and more.
    It is kinda what i do.
    -What I have in common with French is we go to a place and just talk.
    Like teens , they go to a Cafe and do what they have to do .

  18. -oui, j'aime francais
    -j'etidier kevin
    -french teens go to cafes on wend. it isthe smae because we go to eat to.
    -we do share things because we go to to eatand hang out with freinds.we go to fast food place and the go to cafes.

  19. Oui j'aime parle francais
    j'etudier avec leslie alvarenga(:
    French teens hang out at cafe on wednesday.
    it is similar to us because we go to eat as well with friends.
    We both like to go eat and at the same time with out friends. We go to fast food resturant and they go to cafe.
