06 December, 2011

Period 6 - Blog Response #1

    1. (Answer in French)
a.    Comment t’appelles-tu ?
b.    Ça va ?
c.    Quel âge as-tu ?
2.   2.  (Answer in English)
a.    In 2 sentences, compare/contrast greetings and family/friends.


  1. Je m'apelle cristian hernandez
    Ça va bien
    J'ai quinze ans
    With a friend you can greet them with a kiss which is know as la bise or bonjour and au revoir
    With a family member I I guess its the same you can do with ur friends but more formal

  2. 1A. Je m'appelle Sandy Pivaral
    1B. Ca va tres bein.
    1C. J' ai quinze ans.

    2a. Greetings:With a teacher you shake their hand,and with a friend you give a kiss on the cheek.As to saying hello you say Bonjur to grownups,and with friends you say Sault.

  3. 1a: je'mappelle Angelica Vargas
    1b: ça va bien.
    1c:j'ai quinze ans.

    2a: with family you can do the same with friends. Give them a kiss on the cheek known as "la bise." but when saying hello and goodbye , to an adult you say "Bonjour" and "au revoir" to a classmate or teenager you say "salut" and "au revoir" . Basically ADULTS = FORMAL and FRIENDS = INFORMAL

  4. Je m'appelle Caroline.

    Cava tres bien.

    J'ai quatroze ans

    in French people of the same age group use la bise as way to say hi to eachother.Also when they talk about family they include the extended family in there too.

  5. Question 1:
    A:Je m'appelle Mendoza, Alex
    B:Ça va bien.
    C:J'ai Seize ans.
    Question 2:
    A: Among your friends you would have a sense of informality in which is represented by a kiss on the cheek called "la bise". On the other hand between adults "teachers" you would not converse in the same matter, but instead with a formal hello "bonjour" or with a handshake.

  6. Je m'appelle Chelsea Walmack.
    Ca va bien.
    J'ai quinze ans.
    There are two ways to greet in France, formally and informally.
    Friends greet each other with a kiss on the cheek (la bise) , which is informal. Children greet their parents either formal or informal.

  7. Je m'appelle Chelsea Walmack.
    Ca va bien.
    J'ai quinze ans.
    There are two ways to greet in France, formally and informally.
    Friends greet each other with a kiss on the cheek (la bise) , which is informal. Children greet their parents either formal or informal.

  8. je m'appelle Vianey Osorio
    Cava tres bien
    J'ai quinze ans
    You can greet a friend with a kiss called, la bise, that is informal. formally you greet with bounjour, hello, and a handshake. Formal is used for a teacher or any important person someone older. Informally is used for your friends and family.

  9. Je m'appelle Leslie Alvarenga
    Cava bien ....
    J'ai sieze ans.
    Two ways you can greet a person, Informally & formally. With informally people greet each other with a kiss called la bise or with salut. Formal people use a handshake and say bonjour. informally is used with friends and family. Formally is used with teachers and adults.

  10. 1a. Je m'appelle Susan.
    1b. Ça va comme ci comme ca.
    1c. J'ai quinze ans.
    2. Family and friends are greeted informally with la bise (a kiss on the cheek). While other adults are greeted formally with bonjour and a handshake.

  11. Je m'appelle Saydy Garcia
    Ca va bien
    J,ai quinze ans
    There are two ways to greet a person.There is the informal way in which you use with your friends and the formal way that you will use with adults and family.

  12. Je m'appelle Saydy Garcia
    Ca va bien
    J'ai quinzeans
    there are two ways to greet people; infrmal and formal.One uses the infomal way whaen talking to friends and the formal way when talking to adults or family;yet the way to say goodbye is the same for both.

  13. Je m'appelle Jasiel Mendoza
    Cava bien
    J'ai quinze ans
    There are two ways to greet people there are informal and informal. You can greet someone by a simple handshake or by la bise which is a kiss in the cheek between friends.

  14. je m'appelle Brayllan.
    Cava bien.
    J'ai quinze ans.
    we say whats up to our friends and they say sault to there friends. we say hello to our elders and they say bonjour.

  15. Je m'appelle Alex Palma.
    Çava bien.
    J'ai quinze ans.

    To your friends you do la bise and say salut and to your adults you say bonjour and you give them a handshake.

  16. Je m'appelle irma
    Ca va bien.
    J'ai quinze ans.
    friends and adults are spoken to differently.
    when you speak to a friend its more informal; you say salut to greet them and you can give them a kiss on their cheek.
    when you speak to an adutk, you speak more formally; you say bonjour and shake their hands.

  17. Je m'appelle Brian Marroquin
    Ca va tres bien
    J'ai quinze ans

    There is two ways to greet ,in formal and formal.With a friend you greet with a la bise and a salut!and with a adult you greet with a bonjour!

  18. je m appelle karim barajais
    ca va tres bien
    j'ai quinze ans

    With family you greet with la bise and with friends you greet with a hang shake.
