09 December, 2011

Period 5 - Blog #3

Est-ce que tu aimes parler français ?
Avec qui est-ce que tu étudies ?
What do French teens do Wednesday afternoons ?  Is it similar or different from you ?
What do you share in common with French teens ? What is different and why ?


  1. 1.Oui, je parle anglais et espagnol pour.
    Je étudie française.

    2.They may go out and go hang out with there friends like us. Something they might do diffrent is that they dont take pe in school so they may and go take a sport to make it as pe.

    3. Well, what we have in common is that were young and like to live life to the fullest and also the way we act with our friend is the same as in France. Something diffrent maybe that well they have a more polite way of greeting and well they take there studies serious s more the here.

  2. 1 Je n'aime pas parler français parce que j'adore parler Français.
    J'étudie avec Haydee.

    2. They hang out and catch up on homework. We do the say same things except they are more focused into their Studies.
    Both our cultures like to hang out with friends, they prefer to hang out at the cafè where as we like to hang out in the park or the cinema.

  3. 1.Oui j'aime parler francaise mais je prefere anglais
    2.Je etudie avec copains
    3.On Wednesday afternoons French teens go play a sport or hang out with friends because they get out of school early. yes, i might go hang with friends on a Wednesday, after school.
    4.French teens do a lot of similar activities as American teens, we all might go hand out with friends and family and do other stuff. French teens are a little bit different because they are more devoted to their studying.

  4. Oui , Je parle francais
    Je etudie copains

    The french teens like to go and hang out with there friends and have fun.

    French teens take a test that tells them what they want to be and they dont have a choice of what they want to be. Amercan teens we have to work hard for what they want to be.
    We do have going to the movies and hanging out with friends in common

  5. Oui, Je parle francais
    Je etudi copains
    they go out and have fun relax since they come out early and yes they are simliar to us.
    we share that we want to get out of school and hangout and have fun, they have a longer day then us

  6. -Oui, je parle francais mais je prefer parle anglais
    -Je etudie avec ma copins Arlette,Janet,et Jackie
    -On Wednesdays French teens hang out,go to the movies,play some sports,or go to the cafe.Yes, they are similar to us.
    -what I share I common with French teens is that I go to school we both take a test that determines weather or not we go to collage.We both like to hang out with family and friends. what is different is that they go to school more hours and their vacation time is different,their families include their extended family and and they seem to concentrate way more on school.

  7. -Oui J'aime parle francais.-Je etudie avec copaines.
    -French teens go out with their friends or catch up on homework or play sports or just hang out in general.It is similar because us teens just like to hang out.
    -We have in common that we like to hang out with our friends, also we like to play sports after school.We are not all that different from French teens. Probably the only thing is they have certain ways of speaking such as formal and informal.

  8. -Je n'aime pas parle francaise parce que je prefere parler anglaise.
    -Je etudie avec ma copine
    They go to a French cafe and hang out with there friends.It is similar because we also go out with our friends.
    We share in common that we do the same sports and eat the same types of foods.What is different is the way we greet friends or adults.

  9. oui, je parle francais avec mon amies
    je etudie avec mon amies
    on Wednesdays french teesn hangout,play sports or go to cafe and it is similar to us.
    something we share in common is that we both like to hangout with our friends, go to school, take test
    what is different is that their more formal and speak french and go to school longer

  10. 1
    a.)non,je prefer parle anglais
    b.)je etudie avec ma sour
    on wednesday teens study or go out to have fun. its diffrent because i like to stay at home. what i share in common with french teens is go out or do hw. whats diffrent is that if i go out i go with family

  11. Oui, j'aime parler français mais je préfére parler anglais.
    -J'étudie avec Janet et stephanie.

    -On Wednesday afternoons French teens study & do their homework,hang out with friends. Yes, its similar to what i do
    -We both like to hang out with our friends. A difference is that they usually go to the cafe and i go to starbucks.
