09 December, 2011

Period 4 - Blog #3

Est-ce que tu aimes parler français ?
Avec qui est-ce que tu étudies ?
What do French teens do Wednesday afternoons ?  Is it similar or different from you ?
What do you share in common with French teens ? What is different and why ?


  1. -Oui je aime parler francais beaucoup! :)
    -Je etudie avec mon amie et le classe

    -They do the same things we do. And they have some of their time devoted to studying but we may/may not . -.-
    -They may go through the same things we do. They can be segregated and they may also have problems that we do. We dont all go through the exact same things but we all have problems(: Some not as many as others

    - With Love,
    Kathy Avila

  2. Oui, j'aime parler francaise

  3. Oui, j'aime parler francias dans la classe

    Je etudie avec mon amie

    They get out early like us, they study and hang out with friends.
    WE go to school, listen to music and more.

  4. *Oui, j'aime to parler francais souvent
    * Je etudie avec ma frere, le classe,et mes cpoaines

    *On wednesdays afternoon french teens do what we do by hanging out with their friends and study for school.

    * Some of the things we share with french teens is that we hang out with our friends often, have a diversity in school, we both have foreign languages. We are different by the way our cultures may be and certain actvities we do.

  5. 1. Oui, j'aime parler francaise.
    2. French teens go to cafes to hang out afterschool. This is similar to us because we also go out to hangout in place, but not exactly in cafes.
    3. With french teens we also like to joke around, go out together, and have fun. We (french & americans) really do not treat each other with respects.

  6. -Oui! J'aime parler français avec mon amie.
    -J'etudie avec Andres, Francisco, et Franklin!
    -On wednesdays, French teens like to hang out at the café, movie theater, or just hang out with friends. Basically they do the same things we do!
    -The common things I share with French teens is that we both go to school, we both have almoste the same type of classes, we both like hanging out with friends and we both have strong family bonds. The differences are that they speak french as their main language and they eat different types of foods.
    -Marco Tulio Cruz

  7. 1.Oui, Je parler francaise,anglaise,et espangnol
    2.etudie avec mon copine.
    3.They hang out or go to a cafe. It is similar because all teen's like to hang out.
    4. We french and americans teens go to schoo and we go out

  8. 1. oui j'aime parle francais
    2. j'etudie avec mon frere
    3. French teens devote their time to study
    4. Both american teens and french teens follow the latest fashion clothing

  9. *Oui, j'aime to parler francais rarement.
    *J'étudie avec ma amies

    *French teens do practically the same thing we do, hang out with friends, enjoy time...
    *A different thing in between them and us, is that they may do a lot more studying than us. Things we have in common are hanging out with friends and having a good time...

  10. 1. oui, j'aime parle francais souvent, mais je preferre parler anglais.
    2.on wednsday afternoons french teens go to the cafe. it's similiar to what I do because I hang out with my friends afterschool on a wednsday but i dont do it at a cafe.
    3.what I share in common with a french teen is that I go to a school named after a famous person, and Im stereotyped.

  11. -Oui, j'aime parler francaise. Je etudie avec moi.
    -French teens go to cafe's on a wendesday afternoon and do pretty much what we do which is just chill and take it easy for the rest of the day.
    -What we share in common with them is that we both like hanging with friends. Some other things that are the same could be like how we are made of. What's different is that in France i guess teens enjoy and study more than we do.

  12. -Oui, j'aime parler francais beaucoup.
    -Je etudie avec mon amie et chat. (:
    -On Wednesday afternoons, French teens hang out at the cafe, go to school and make up their credits, or simply hang out like we do.
    -Certain activities might be different and we have different cultures. We might listen to similar music but in foreign languages, styles may be similar, & their schools are named after famous French people just like our schools are named after famous Americans.

    T-Rex :3

  13. - Oui, Je parle francais. (:
    - Je etudie avec mon copine.
    - Afterschool on Wednesdays , French teens go to cafes' to talk or hang out, similar to what we do. Since we get out early on Wednesdays we decide to make plans with friends, but not exactly go to " cafes ".
    - The similar things we have with French teenagers is we go to school , hang out with friends , learn a foreign language at school just like them, and have schools named after a famous "person". The things we differ are the culture we have as one and our beliefs.
